Thursday, October 25, 2012

I'm Wide Awake

"Think positive because thoughts are like the steering wheel that moves our lives in the right direction."   I got this off of someone's facebook the other day and I really thought it pertained to my life.  I keep thinking positive and my life keeps moving in the right direction!

So those of you who have already given up caffeine, no need for "I told you so's!"

I have now been off caffeine for 11 days and I made a startling discovery yesterday.... I am LESS tired now than I was when I was drinking caffeine.  Wow.

I was very surprised to discover this.  Everyone uses caffeine to wake up or stay awake.  I have always been tired - it's a constant in my life.  But now, 11 days with no caffeine, I am more awake during the day AND I am actually ready to sleep at night.  Woo hoo!  Getting rid of caffeine has turned my internal clock back to normal.  And I don't remember the last time it was normal!

Those of you who knew that this would happen - man I wish you had told me and I wish I would have listened!  This is awesome!

Today was day 4 of exercise.  Can't say I am enjoying it...but I'm not hating it.  We have been doing Just Dance 3.  Mike would prefer to go for a walk, but bless his heart, he does the Just Dance because "it's your ball game"!  So he is such a wonderful man that he does something he doesn't like simply because he's being there for me!  How awesome!

Tonight was kind of fun.  A friend started an exercise group at our church.  Tonight was our first meeting.  There were 7 of us there and we were having a good time.  And what did we do tonight? Just Dance 3!

The second scary discovery I made came today.  Just Dance 3 is already getting easier after just 4 days!  Not nearly as easy as my daughter and son find it, but a heck of a lot easier than it was Monday!

AND, the counting of my bubbles is starting to happen in my head without even having to look things up and try to figure it out.

Yesterday we got our new food scale in the mail.  Ordered it from a Pampered Chef party.  Yes, it was a little spendy, but it is awesome.  It has a tare so we can zero it out after putting a container on the scale.  Loving that we can finally weigh the food and have accurate amounts of food.  Also finding that we are getting pretty good at guesstimating food weights.  Before the scale came we were approximating the meats.  I weighed the bags of chicken we had already cut and put into portion bags.  They were right on for weight.  We were quite proud of that!

So life is really heading in a positive direction for me.  This weekend we may end up eating out - that will be a first since starting the new eating regimen.  It will be interesting to see what we come up with to eat.  I think we'll be looking at that menu a bit longer than normal!

Thinking positive, it can do so much for a person and their life.  So I urge you to think positive and keep steering your life in the right direction.

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