Monday, October 29, 2012

Two weeks in the books

So, week two is in the books for me.

I "cheated" this weekend - twice.  Come on - I went to the movie could I NOT have a treat?

The first time, well, I had the pretzel bites.  But I was thinking about it...once i have the surgery, I could have them, they are baked.  I just would only have a few and I would be full.  So, I had them.

The second time, I had the kid's pack with popcorn, fruit snacks and an icee.  Small amounts of each.

Saturday a friend said to me that her prayer is that this new diet will work so well that I won't need the surgery in the spring.  She said she worries about me, not about the surgery itself, but that for the rest of my life my eating will have to be changed.

I thanked her for her concern and caring about me.  But honestly, I can't wait for the surgery.  Yes, my eating habits will be changed forever - and that is a good thing.  She brought up the no sweets, no cake at birthdays.  Well, it's not like I can never have anything sweet, I will just have to watch what I choose and how much of it I eat.

The fact of the matter is this, Mike and I both think this will be somewhat easier after the surgery than now.  Why?  Because right now I am still starving all the time.  I eat my allotted proteins and carbs, etc and an hour later, my tummy is yelling at me.  I am hungry all of the time.

After the surgery, my stomach will be so  that I will feel full...I will NOT be hungry.  The nurse at my first appointment told us that for the first 3 months or so I will actually not have an appetite, I will need to make myself eat my allotted food so my body gets what it needs.  My friend who had the surgery 19 months ago told me that she never feels hungry now!!  That will be such an amazing and welcomed feeling (or lack of feeling)!  It always makes me angry when I have eaten recently and then I am hungry again.

On the weight loss thing - I spent the week losing 1-2 pounds, gaining them back, losing them, gaining them.  So I ended where I started...down 6 pounds.  I won't be sad since 6 pounds over 2 weeks is still a good number, nothing to be sad about.

The exercising, well it happens, but it still isn't my favorite thing in the world.  This weekend I pretty much used anything I could as an excuse and well, didn't exercise then.  So today felt like I was starting all over again.  UGH - I guess I need to not skip the weekends so that Monday doesn't feel like hell all over again.  Monday is bad enough - don't need to end it with nastiness.  May as well just do it all weekend so that Monday's exercise is just another one, nothing else.

Yesterday I had a fabulous, fabulous surprise.  My childhood best friend called me, out of the blue.  I saw her name on the caller ID and was shocked.  I hadn't talked to her in like 2 years (other than facebook talking).  What did she call for?  To tell me she was proud of me.  I nearly started crying.  What an amazing phone call.  To her, a huge thank you.  Random Acts of kindness do wonderful things for people - you did a wonderful thing for me.  Reminded me how important doing things like that, out of the blue, are to people.  How much good they can do!  I am going to be "stepping up" my random kindness thanks to you.  That was such an amazing feeling to have someone take the time to call me and boost me up like that.  THANK YOU!

Then today, another out of the blue - a former student and friend posted on my wall telling me that he enjoyed my blog and to keep it up.  What a great thing to read, made my day.  It is those little things that make a difference in our lives.

So I end my Monday meanderings with that thought.  Think about when someone has done something for you or said something to you that made a difference in your life.  Think about those relatively little things and how big of an impact they had on you.

Can you do more of that for other people in your life?  Can you send someone a note?  Call someone who is struggling with something, doing something new, facing something.  Take the little bit of time from your life to make a huge difference in the life of someone else.

A little bit of effort on your behalf can make a HUGE difference to someone.  Take the time, put yourself out there and make a difference in the life of someone who needs you to notice, needs you to say you care!  YOU can make a difference in the world of someone go for it!

1 comment:

  1. thank you!

    Miss seeing you up here in n.w. IA, just so you know!
