Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Frustrated and Hungry

Bubble this, bubble that, drink your water, drink more water, exercise, drink milk, drink more water.

Last weekend was Thanksgiving and I TOTALLY blew everything about the above list.

Now, I DID bubble what I ate, I did write down everything that I ate.  But let's just say that there were a few extra bubbles on those pages.  And there was food that did not really have bubbles to fill out!

So I get up on Monday morning and weigh myself and I lost 4 pounds.  WHAT?

Yes, I had lost 4 pounds over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Most of the 5 days off I spent sleeping in as late as I wanted, which usually meant that I slept right through breakfast and my morning "snack" of milk.  I would eat lunch, I would eat supper and yes, I would eat snacks at the movie.

We went to the movie 4 times over the weekend.  I ate snacks at each one.  And yet, I still lost 4 pounds?!

Now, 3 days later, I've been up at normal times again, eating my healthy breakfast and having my mid-morning snack of milk.  I've been making sure to drink my water, etc.  Kind of worked on getting back on the wagon after falling off.

So I'm going to lose more weight, right?  NO - I've put those 4 pounds back on.

OK, so that is the most frustrating thing EVER.

Break all the rules, eat like crap.  Enjoy pie with home made whipping cream, eat pretzel bites at the movie (dipped in nacho cheese), snack on cookies Mike is baking......and I lose 4 pounds.

I can't believe that the skipping of breakfast and those few calories I actually eat then would mean losing pounds.  Especially considering that I was eating WAY more calories in all the snacking I was doing.

And now that I'm back on the restricted calorie diet, and actually sticking to it, I put pounds back on.

THIS is why I hate "dieting" and focusing on eating right.  When I do what I am supposed to do, follow the rules, I either maintain weight or gain weight.  But when I "cheat" and eat what tastes good, I lose weight.

How in the heck am I supposed to make sense of that?  How is that supposed to inspire me to stick to this restricted diet and deprive myself of the nummy foods I chocolate!!

So I am looking forward to seeing the dietitian in a couple of weeks and asking about this.  Feeling very frustrated and hungry.

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