Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Passed!

So last night after reading my blog, my amazing husband came into the family room and said, "Would you like me to go with you to the appointment?"

I, of course, said that I didn't need him to come, he's busy, etc.  He assured me that he could make it work and I said, "Yes, I would love you to come."

So he came along with me assuring me that if the dietitian went "jillian" on me he would yell right back at her.

Now that is what I call love.  I am one lucky lady!

So we get there and the first thing they do.......the scale.

Every month when I go in that is the first thing we do....same scale every time.

The result of my first month of "bubbling" my food.......11 pounds gone.

I am proud of that 11 pounds.  They came off fast and then have stayed steady, but I am happy with the overall result of 11 pounds.

After "the scale" I had to sit back in the waiting room for a little bit awaiting the dreaded dietitian.

When I get called back, it's two lovely young women.  One is a dietitian intern and the other a "real" intern.  But neither of them is THE dietitian I was expecting to see.

We got the chance to ask lots of questions, talk about what has gone well, what is not going as well.  The whole time they are going through my food diary and answering questions on their computer about me.

Have I stopped drinking pop.  Am I exercising?  Am I taking 30 minutes to eat my meals?  Am I NOT drinking during meals and 30 minutes before or after?  Am I getting my 6-8 glasses of water every day?  Etc, etc.

What happened when they saw the honesty of my food diary and the poor choices I have made over the past few days....

NOTHING - they told me not to get down about it.  They were happy to see that I was writing it down even though I knew it was wrong to be eating it.  They encouraged me to keep at it and I would succeed.

Whew.  Bullet dodged - not feeling nearly as bad about it tonight.

We did ask for help for ideas of fast meals or meals on the go.  With our lifestyle with all of the events Mike needs to attend, I need to attend or the kids are in...we need to have food that can be prepared and taken on the go.  They were going to get with the "head dietitian" because she has files of ideas and such.  Then they will email me some ideas.

So, all that worry for nothing.  It went well, they thought I was doing a good job and that I should keep at it and the areas where I was falling down some, I should focus on those and work to improve those areas.

In other words, I passed!

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