Monday, November 26, 2012

Inspiration hits

A friend mentioned today that they had not seen a blog post lately.  I replied, "Yeah, I know."  Her reponse, "Nothing inspiring you?"

That's exactly it...the same things seem to inspire me daily, but I feel like I will bore you with my constant repetition.

I know in my heart that my views of accepting everyone for whomever they are is a message worth saying and worth repeating.  But those of you reading have commented to me enough that I know that I am "preaching to the choir".

How can I get that message across to those that need to hear it?  How do I get people to understand the hurt and devastation the cause by judging others by standards that are just not fair?

I was watching "Lincoln": this weekend and I thought about all that our country went through just to get slavery abolished.  I honestly thought the Emancipation Proclamation was what did it.  I didn't realize that it was only a small part and that getting the amendment passed was a separate thing.

But watching the, it brought up so many thoughts in my head.  How scared our nation was of the idea of black people having equal rights.  The fear of ...gasp... inter-racial marriage.  Or even letting a black person vote.  Let alone a black woman!  Yikes - the world might end.

But we have gotten past that.  No, I'm not naive enough to say that we don't have racism or sexism.  But as a whole, our nation no longer fears black people.  We are smart enough to realize that the color of one's skin is simply the color of their skin.  It's no different than brown eyes, blue eyes, etc.  It's not something that is to be used to discriminate.

So why do we continue to discriminate against people for other reasons?  Sexual orientation is my big frustration.  Seriously - people think that somehow, allowing two people to marry who are in love and just happen to be of the same gender, somehow this will hurt the institution of marriage?  This will make a mockery of marriage?

I mean come on.   How many times was Elizabeth Taylor married?  What about the Kardasean (or however you spell that) marriage.  What, it lasted like 72 hours.  THAT is allowed and accepted and that doesn't make a mockery of marriage?

I think about people who live in my town and I don't know.  They may live a couple of blocks from me.  If they are married - HOW does their marriage, their relationship affect mine?  It does NOT!

So how does allowing EVERYONE to marry the partner of their choice affect others?  I have tried and tried and tried to figure this out.  I have tried to figure out their argument and why they are so positive that gay marriage will end the sanctity of marriage.  I just cannot see their argument.  I cannot wrap my brain around it.

I am a very open and accepting person.  I find it funny sometimes because throughout my life some of my closest friends have been, and still are, completely opposite in opinions to me.  It is because of these people that I try so hard to understand their point of view.  They are important people to me, I love them dearly, but I cannot understand this point of view even though I love them.  But...It doesn't change my opinion of them.  I still love them.  Don't understand them - but Love them.  WE simply do NOT talk politics, religion, etc.  Or we wouldn't remain friends.

I tell my children regularly that you don't have to like someone's opinions, but you have to respect them.

Here is what I don't get - why can't people take that attitude about marriage?  You don't have to like someone's spouse choice, but it is their choice and you should respect them.  Just like you can dislike someone's opinion and still respect them.

There is a thing flying around on fb and such that says...

Don't like cigarettes?  Then don't smoke.
Don't like guns?  Then don't own one.
Don't like gay marriage?  Then don't marry a gay.

I can't remember all of the things on there, but you get the point.

I'm allergic to pets and to perfumes and odors - does that mean that I should be able to tell everyone they can't have a pet or wear perfume or use smelly laundry detergent?  NO.  And gosh, I am legitimately allergic to these things and get sick from being around them.  Yet I do not require everyone in my world to follow my regulations.

So if you don't like same-sex marriage, bully for you.  But it shouldn't mean that you can tell same-sex couples they can't get married.  That is YOUR belief, your opinion.  That's the wonderful part of a free country - we are all free to live our lives the way we wish.

I am proud of our country and the recent elections.  Three states took measures to stop this discrimination.  That is huge.  I went to bed November 6th sick at heart worrying about those measures.  I woke up happily relieved.  I was so happy that those states took a stand for equality for ALL not just equality for those that some people deem worthy.

I truly believe that when the for-fathers wrote that all should be equal, they meant all.  Rich, poor, black, white, straight, gay....all of that doesn't matter.  We were all made by the same God - He loves us all.

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